Car Subscriptions, Industry Roundup, and Mind-Reading Robots
School Supply Surprise, Energy Efficiency Tests, and Guiseppe the Car Kid
Dealer Dinner, Lucky Yen, and AI's New Tricks
#Shecanics, Minority Dealers Growth, and Robots Never Sleep
Hailey Matteson, New Podcast, and Somebody Said Something
Raising Money for Kiddos, Excessive EVs, and America's New Weight Problem
PD Support from Group 1 Auto, UAW vs Stellantis, and Superman's Back
Repairs and Redemptions, Global Auto Moves, and Wilting Pedals
Dips Without Chips, GM Talking Jobs, and The Robots Can Hear You Typing
Big Bucks, Toyota Robo-Taxi, and Catching the Breeze in the US
Coastal Cares with Kristen Walker, ICYMI, and Land Cruiser Turned Harbor Cruiser
Fraud Busters, Robo-Union, and "Unlocked" "Upgrades"