SAT #35 -đź›» Let's Jump Town

Kyle Mountsier, ICYMI, and Red Bull Gives You Insane Ideas

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We aren’t sure why horses are so trustworthy, but they say you gotta get your info straight from the horse’s mouth.

We couldn’t find a horse, so we asked Kyle Mountsier to share some of his story in today’s email.

He runs for fun and is trustworthy, the horse comparisons mostly end there.


Keep Pushing Back
-Paul, Kyle, Chris & Kristi


Soccer, Stories, and Seeing People with Kyle Mountsier

This week Chris spoke with Kyle Mountsier, yes ASOTU’s Kyle Mountsier, to share some of his story before, during, and into the future of ASOTU.

Kyle! We knew this day would come. Tell us, how did you get into the industry?

My journey is really based in customer care and setting trends that don’t really currently exist. For instance, when I started selling cars, I couldn’t drive a stick shift and stalled a new Kia Optima in the parking lot 7 times before an older salesperson came to my rescue.

From there a lot of my career path has been built because I constantly am looking for new challenges. So I spent my 12 years in retail holding a position for about 18 months and then moving to something either wildly different or an iteration of a role.

Just over 2 years ago, I decided to leave the retail side of the business to pursue supporting auto more broadly. Both my work with ASOTU and Auto Genius allow me to push the boundaries on what the status quo is. I love this industry and it has meant so much to my family and me. Now it is about giving as much back as I possibly can!

Was a career in auto always your dream? What did you want to be "when you grew up?"

A soccer player, mainly. Later in high school, I began pursuing a career in ministry, specifically with music. But really, I still just want to be a professional soccer player!

I think it is safe to say you are at least the best soccer player at ASOTU. Maybe we will see if ASOTU CON has any worthy challengers!

I'd love to know, in your own words, why ASOTU CON?

First, I just love being with people. It energizes me and helps me expand my thinking. I always want to build something that excites me, because I authentically want others to experience it.

In the world of conferences (auto and other verticals), I see little innovation outside of SXSW and VeeCon happening. I believe auto is one of the most vibrant industries and we have the opportunity to expand our thinking on how connection, content, and entertainment happen in the same space. It is the same reason why any time you hear me speak, I start by getting everyone out of their chair. We have to engage our minds in new ways so we can think outside the box and challenge ourselves to build our businesses in ways we never thought possible.

Oh, and it gives me a great excuse to get Paul excited about soccer scarves…

It always comes back to scarves eventually.

What about "More Than Cars?" I assume there is a "More Than Scarves" reason for the docu-series?

I am a storyteller at heart. Stories compel me and I love discovering new ways of thinking. So yes, filming More Than Cars is something I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would be doing with my adult career. However, now I can’t imagine not doing it.

Everyone who sees the show says something to the effect of “this has to be done!” I agree. Auto needs a culture rewriting of the narrative cast on its retail environment. This is the show that I think everyone in auto never knew they wanted.

Fantastic! Finally, just before we wrap up, if people decide to scroll by this whole conversation but catch this last little bit before they go, what is one thing you want to leave them with?

I want you to love and see people so deeply in your daily life that those around you, your co-workers, community, family, and friends, have no choice but to ask what it is and why you do it. So much so that you would be a part of the radical transformation of our society and culture. Imagine that. What if that came out of automotive retail!?



In Case You Missed It



  • A quick update on UAW negotiations ahead of the September 14th deadline. ⏳

  • We wrote up a study on the power of nurturing your team!

  • We summarized a pro-level economic update you can plan by.

  • The Ciocca team invests big in education!

  • Tony Graham Auto helps kids stay fit and safe in the hottest months.


  • A quick update from the Chinese auto market.

  • And another from our German automaker friends.


Our friend Glen Pasch invited Paul and Kyle to speak on his show about the mission of ASOTU. (That is AFTER he perfectly explained the mission of ASOTU)


Red Bull Give You Wings

A few years ago, a Red Bull-sponsored driver named Bryce Menzies set a world record for a truck jump. The distance, which can be measured simply at 379.4 feet, can also be measured in a more wild way that we want to share.

Youtube/Red Bull

Brice Menzies jumped his truck over an entire New Mexican ghost town!

Now, you may be wondering if there was any way he landed such a massive jump. And we are happy to say they wouldn’t call it a jump record if it was actually a record CRASH.

Youtube/Red Bull

Brice and the two-wheel drive race truck landed safely on the 2nd ramp and utterly obliterated the previous record of 301 feet.


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