#656 - 🚗 No Spills

Last Week, Dayna Kleve, and Wait Race


ASOTU CON 2024 is almost here. More Than Cars is an understatement.

We are looking forward to seeing all and each of you there.

Keep Pushing Back
-Paul, Kyle, Chris, and Kristi

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Last Week

The Daily Pushback Email

  • Monday, we had some April Fool's fun but also reported on GM, Fisker, and some More Than Cars Moments at Holman. Then we talked about one thing we thought would never go green — Mac n’ Cheese. 🧀

  • Tuesday, we saw the financial impact of the UAW strikes (on the UAW), Tesla’s worst quarter, and a smartphone-maker’s first EV. After that, we learned from a dealer friend how to craft powerful bonds at work. ⛓️

  • Wednesday, we learned EV maker Canoon paid double it’s income in private jet flights for its CEO last year, how interest rates are impacting the market, and some Q1 info. We wrapped the email with yet another electric one-seater coming around. 🚗

  • Thursday, we took at peek at GM’s Q1, learned millennials are leaning away from car ownership, and discussed Ford keeping ICE alive. Check out the writeup from the best-selling book Unreasonable Hospitality so you know what to expect from Will Guidara this May at ASOTU CON. 💛

  • Friday, we wrapped up the week with a look at OEMs stats, and took a look the weekly market trends and turns. 🎢


Auto Collabs

Speaking of Will Guidara, did you catch Paul and Kyle chatting with him on Auto Collabs?

In The Dirt

The more we learn about Dayna Kleve, the more we love her. Jordan Cox spoke with her a bit this week, and we think you should hear what she has to say, too.


Don’t call it a throwback. We had a great conversation with our friend Kaylee Felio back at NADA, but needed a follow-up! She brought along her friend April Simmons from Horne Auto to give us some insight into working with Parts Edge.


From Struggle to Success

In automotive sales, standing out is vital, and Force Marketing knows how to make that happen. Their new Case Study Library brings success stories to the forefront by spotlighting dealers using Force's Core4 solutions and highlighting the ROI data! You can browse and even download over 35 case studies!

From boosting retention to mastering media, these real-life examples paint a clear picture: there’s a way to thrive, even in challenging markets. Learn more about the library with this quick video.  

Browse for yourself at Forcemktg.com/casestudies and contact Force Marketing today to learn how you can activate their Core4 Solutions and start generating real results!



It’s like a game show where everybody wins! We’re doing Pitch Tank live at ASOTU CON 2024. Hear pitches from industry partners with Q&A from our panelists: Kyle Mountsier, Steve Greenfield, and Chase Fraser.

A winner will be crowned! 👑

We have 70+ speakers on-deck for this year’s ASOTU CON, including the one and only, Danelle Delgado. 😎


“Where Is Our Waiter? Jogging Around the Block?”

Ahead of the Olympic games, Paris hosted its first Waiter Race, Course des Cafés, since 2011. Servers and waiters from all over the city go on a low-speed race through the city carrying trays holding the sorts of things you’d see in a restaurant: cups, water, big giant croissants (it is Paris, after all).

This particular race had 200 participants in traditional black and white clothes, aprons, and bow ties. You know, movie wait staff attire. They completed a 1.2-mile loop and were inspected by judges at the end for spilled water or, god-forbid, tape.

The winners, Samy Lamrous (13 minutes and 30 seconds) and Pauline Van Wymeersch (14 minutes and 12 seconds), took home medals and won a night’s stay in a fancy hotel with tickets for two to attend the Olympic opening ceremony.

Quick Hits

  • NASA picked three companies to design the cars it will use in its upcoming Moon Mission. None of them are the automakers we talk about. 🌕

  • Apple’s Vision Pro has been used in another surgery. 👩‍⚕️

  • Google is thinking about adding AI to its search feature but charging folks for it. Pro Tip: If you want to learn something, don’t Google it. Ask ChatGPT and then Google the answer it gives you to go to the correct Wikipedia page. Skip all the paid sort-by-relevance line-jumpers. 🧠