⏳ It's Almost Time

Moms and CONs


Hi, friends!

It’s the final weekend between us and you, together again in Baltimore at last. 🤗

If you don’t already have your ticket to ASOTU CON, what the heck are ya waitin’ on??

We are so hyped that it’s hard to think of anything else. But, we would be remiss if we didn’t take some space to thank all the moms out there in honor of Mother’s Day tomorrow. It’s a special day, and we want to acknowledge all of the incredible women who have helped to shape us.

Mothers, your influence is immeasurable and your value beyond words. Your strength, sacrifice, dedication, and love are celebrated today and every day. Happy Mother’s Day to each of you, from all of us. 💘


Partner With The Best

How is Del Grande Dealer Group moving more metal in an ultra-competitive market?

In case you missed it, Jeremy Beaver (DGDG's CEO) chatted with Car Dealership Guy last week to reveal the recipe behind their success selling 30,000 cars per year.

Enter Upstart — DGDG's #1 non-captive lender, who powers >85% of the dealerships customer and employee experiences.

From upfront pricing for a transparent and fair deal to AI-powered financing for fair and efficient transactions, Upstart's connected online and in-store digital retailing + financing has been a key ingredient to DGDG's success.

For more details on Jeremy's discussion about the Upstart partnership, tune in to the latest episode of the Car Dealership Guy Podcast here. 🎧

(➕PLUS — if you’re coming to ASOTU CON, don’t miss your chance to meet with the Upstart team in person!)

Sessions You Won’t Want To Miss

Talk about a line-up!! If there's any gentlemen to learn from on addressing today's most pressing affordability issues, it's these guys!

Matthew Lasher, Director at West Herr Automotive Group, Damon Lester, Owner of Nissan of Bowie, Andrew DiFeo, Managing Partner of Hyundai of St. Augustine, and our very own Paul J Daly will be moderating this panel on Day 2 in Studio 1 at 2:30 PM to help you learn how to enhance customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, your dealership’s success in the current economic landscape.

🔑 Key takeaways to expect? 🔑

  • Strategies for offering flexible and innovative financing options to customers.

  • Sales approaches that highlight value and build trust with consumers concerned about affordability.

  • Best practices for educating customers on the true cost of ownership and the value proposition of their purchase.


Who is ready to find out how to stop losing trades you should be winning?

Because we're gonna find out on Day 2 of ASOTU CON at 3:15 PM!

Joe Overby, Senior Editor of Auto Remarketing will be moderation this panel with Darrell Steed, President of SmartWolf LLC Consulting, Tony Lucas, GM of Casa Auto Group, and Todd Caputo, President of Todd Caputo Consulting.

🔑 Key takeaways to expect? 🔑

  • Effective strategies for accurately valuing trades to meet customer expectations and business objectives.

  • Techniques for leveraging market data and technology to enhance trade acquisition efforts.

  • Communication tips to build trust and transparency with customers, increasing the likelihood of successful trades.

Time to Start Packing (?)

Help me settle a bet with my husband who employs a very different travel strategy from my own…

When do you start packing for a trip?

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.

I’ll be packing this weekend. As for others, well…just try not to forget your toothbrush.

See you in Baltimore soon!

-Kristi Canada
Staff Writer, ASOTU