The 2024 Diversity Volume Leadership Awards

Celebrating Diversity and Excellence at the 2024 Diversity Volume Leadership Awards During the NAMAD Annual Membership Meeting

Let’s take a moment to talk about something truly exciting—how the automotive industry is stepping up its game when it comes to diversity. The 2024 Diversity Volume Leadership (DVL) Awards were a major highlight at this year’s NAMAD Annual Membership Meeting. Picture this: leaders from across the industry gathered together, not just to pat themselves on the back, but to genuinely honor the brands that are making real, tangible strides in reaching and serving diverse communities.

Why does this matter so much? Well, if you look at the numbers, it’s clear that by 2045, minorities will make up the majority of the U.S. population. That’s a massive shift, and these awards shine a spotlight on how critical inclusive marketing is—and how resilient these efforts need to be in the face of challenges.

Event Overview

So, here’s the scene: the 2024 DVL Awards weren’t just about handing out trophies. They were about celebrating the real progress being made. The automotive industry is evolving, and these awards are a testament to that shift. Marc Bland, the Chief Diversity Officer at S&P Global Mobility, and Damon Lester, NAMAD Vice Chairman and Member Dealer, were there to guide us through it all. They didn’t just talk stats; they highlighted how targeted marketing and genuine community engagement are driving these successes.

More from the Awards

Future Majority Focus:

Now, let’s look ahead. By 2045, the U.S. is expected to see minorities become the majority—this isn’t just some distant prediction; it’s happening soon. The DVL Awards made it clear that brands investing in inclusive marketing strategies today are the ones that will dominate tomorrow. Marc Bland put it perfectly when he said, "The Future Majority is not just a prediction; it’s a reality that’s quickly approaching."

Resilience Amid Challenges:

And let’s not forget the resilience these markets have shown. Despite supply chain disruptions and even a cyberattack aftermath, sales among diverse consumers stayed strong. Damon Lester emphasized this resilience, pointing out, "Ethnic consumers continue to out-pace the industry while buying all of the inventory dealers are delivered." It’s proof that loyalty and strength are alive and well in these communities.

Toyota/Lexus Leading the Way:

Speaking of success, Toyota/Lexus really stood out this year, didn’t they? With sixteen awards, they showed everyone what it means to consistently focus on diversity. Their strategy isn’t just talk; it’s a blueprint for others to follow. When a brand like Toyota/Lexus sets the bar this high, it’s a clear signal to the entire industry—understanding and serving diverse consumers isn’t just a good idea, it’s essential for sustained success.

2024 DVL Award Winners

Let’s give a quick shoutout to some of the standout winners:

  • Sub-Compact Segment: Nissan Versa

  • Compact Segment: Honda Civic

  • Mid-Size Car Segment: Toyota Camry

  • ...and the list goes on!

But it wasn’t just the non-luxury segments that shined. In the luxury category, Lexus and BMW took home several top spots, including the Lexus RX being named the Top Overall Future Majority Luxury Vehicle.

Looking Ahead: The Road to 2045 and Beyond

So, where do we go from here? The 2024 DVL Awards made one thing crystal clear: inclusivity isn’t just a box to check—it’s a cornerstone of success in the automotive industry. The challenges are real, but so are the opportunities. As we look to 2045, it’s the brands that embrace diversity, focus on electrification, and fine-tune their marketing strategies that will lead the way.

The 2024 DVL Awards weren’t just a look back at what’s been achieved—they offered us a glimpse into the future. Congratulations to all the winners who are setting new standards of excellence, pushing the industry toward a more inclusive, resilient, and innovative future.

As we keep moving forward, let’s remember that the commitment to diversity and inclusion will continue to be our driving force. Together, we’re not just building a stronger industry; we’re shaping a brighter future.

Let’s keep the momentum going—together!


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